Coding Challenge 


Save the world from the dangerous zombies!


Zombies are spreading rapidly in the world. To respond to this, we need to gather more construction materials and build safe buildings. Additionally, we must create more effective weapons to rescue people from zombies. To do this, we need to consider various methods and make efforts to increase our chances of survival. In the battle against zombies, we need to improve our equipment and strategies, train survivors, and strengthen cooperation by implementing various measures. By doing so, we can effectively defend against zombie attacks and continue our efforts for the survival of humanity…

Sample presentation video from last year

Essential Elements

  1. Material collection: The more interesting the enemies or obstacles you create, the higher your score.
  2. Code to build various buildings and elements(weapons) when enough materials are collected.
  3. Create an engaging story to make the game fun to play.

Evaluation Criteria

Creativity: Deduction for copying other works.

Code: Presence of unnecessary code, absence of duplication, simplicity, and logic.

AI (Artificial Intelligence, Entry Only): If you create a game using the machine learning model below in Entry AI Blocks, you will receive bonus points.

Story: Create an engaging storyline using the narrative arc structure. Choose a free storyline involving zombies to make it fun and captivating.

Design: You have the option to be creative and draw it yourself or use other design tools. Ensure that you optimize the file size to minimize storage usage.

Presentation: In order to adequately explain the game logically, create a video and upload it to YouTube. Afterwards, send the compressed code along with the YouTube link for the presentation.



Register for the coding challenge and get free e-learning courses worth $300. Create a game where you learn and defeat zombies. Earn gifts and medals.


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Contact us

Robotics Coding Challenge

Tyree Energy Technology
Sydney NSW 2052 Australia